

SkyHobbit Inc. is computer company make system monitoring, system running, infrastructure, small system development, and management opensource software support.

15 years 8 months 10 days have passed since we began,we feel our business go ahead.


Name SkyHobbit Incorporated
Established 2008/11/17
President Koshikawa Yasunori
Employees 1(plus 1 support members,total 2)
Employee's average age 47.83
Capital Yen 3,000,000
Main stockholder Koshikawa Yasunori
Address Koto-ku Tokyo Japan
Main bank Tokyo Higashi Shinyo Kinko Fukagawa Branch,PayPay Bank Honten-eigyo-bu

Business Purpose



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Investor Relations

Period XPS format PDF format
Period 15 Investor Relations oxps pdf
Period 14 Investor Relations oxps pdf
Period 13 Investor Relations oxps pdf
Period 12 Investor Relations oxps pdf
Period 11 Investor Relations oxps pdf
Period 10 Investor Relations oxps pdf
Period 9 Investor Relations oxps pdf
Period 8 Investor Relations oxps pdf
Period 7 Investor Relations oxps pdf
Period 6 Investor Relations oxps pdf
Period 5 Investor Relations xps pdf
Period 4 Investor Relations xps pdf
Period 3 Investor Relations xps pdf
Period 2 Investor Relations xps pdf
Period 1 Investor Relations xps pdf

Mail Magazine

Skyhobbit has discontinued the mail magazine "SKYHOBBIT PRESS" as of 2021. Thank you very much for your subscriptions over the years.

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